

Prominent New York lawyer; vice-president, general counsel and director of the Chrysler Corporation; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, 1920-1921 headed financial mission which on behalf, of American banking interests visited Peru, 1922; Officer Order of Crown (Italian).

As I look back upon my undergraduate days in what was about the middle period of the CRIMSON I have the sense that the University opened to us a wonderfully free individualist experience. Extreme individualism was the thing. But in its free and, as the outsider thought, indifferent manner, the University managed to make clear enough to us that each owed for his freedom and for this individualism a high sense of responsibility and an understanding of what excellence is.

I have a strong belief that in the present war the need is to develop and bring forth the highest pitch of energy --personal and national. The winter armies of Russia show what energy can be. For the highest degree of energy we need above all unity of feeling and of purpose.

To my mind the great blessing of Harvard training in free individualist responsibility is its unbinding us from any narrowing systems of thought or limiting habits of mind and thus freeing us each and all to mold our ideas and temper our feelings so that we may unify ourselves with all elements of strength in our country. Only through that unity among all our countrymen may there develop the highest energy of all parts of our national life for the great effort that our country now must make.
