
Army Testing Course Announced by Sanford

Designed to equip students for personnel work in the armed services, a new Psychology course, to be labelled 10c, has been announced by Dr. F. H. Sanford, instructor in Psychology, who will be in charged of the course. Aiding him will be Dr. E. M. Heints, of the Massachusetts General Hospital and Mr. Harvey A. Robinson of the Grace School of Education.

Specifically designed for Psych majors and other qualified students, the type of personnel work that has been announced for this new class is that of theoretical background with emphasis on administrating intelligence and other tests to the new recruits.

The course will probably meet Monday afternoons from 3 to 5 o'clock and Wednesday evenings from 7:30 until 9:30 o'clock, although this has not yet been settled. All those interested should contact Dr. Sanford at once.
