

To Move in By February 6; No Men to Be Transferred

Every Freshman now living in the Yard dormitories will be shifted to the House with which he is affiliated by February 6. The withdrawal of Seniors and others leaving to enter the services will make enough room available in the Houses for both this group and the 100 new members of 1946 entering next week.

Despite rumors of the immediate closing of one or more Houses, the present Yardlings will be scattered through all seven of the Houses. No transfers will be allowed.

No Houses to Close

Although denying rumors of House closures, Dean Buck stated that some type of adjustment will naturally have to be made when the Army and Navy training programs go into effect.

The removal of these last of the Yardlings from the Yard will mark the first time since the opening of the Houses in 1930 that Freshmen have not lived in the core of the College. All of the Yard dormitories will now be turned over to the armed forces, although specific allotments have not yet been determined.
