
Reservists Seeking Active Duty Aided by War Bureau

A War Service Information Bureau statement, issued yesterday, clarifies the status of men in reserve programs who desire to immediate active duty and are withdrawing from College. The Bureau's communique follows:

Men in the Enlisted Reserve Corps, V-1 and V-7 may get active duty quite quickly by leaving college, whether they take a leave of absence or withdraw. The War Service Information Bureau must notify the Commandant concerned in each of these categories of the individual's departure from college. Orders to report for duty may be expected in about ten days.

Enlisted Reserve Corps men report for duty on the same general conditions as if they stayed in college until called. They suffer no handicap because of voluntary withdrawal, V-1 and V-7 men, however, must report as apprentice seamen if they leave college without completing the work required by the Navy.

Army Air Force Reservists become liable for active duty on leaving college, but probably won't be called out for some months as their departure is entirely a matter of the training bottleneck in the Air Force.
