Latest attempt at pinning the tail on the ERC donkey reached this end of the country yesterday when the UCLA "Daily Bruin" reported their University President Sproul picking April 15 and May 15 as the lucky numbers. Sproul, "who has just returned from Washington, D. C.," announced that Seniors and Juniors in the ERC will be called up April 15 and Sophomores and Freshmen on May 15.
Officials on this side of the continent stated that they had not been informed of any definite date being set for the ERC, but added that any rumor might have some element of truth. Only "tip" moving around Harvard yesterday was the wekly story, which has been running around for the past six weeks, that the ERC would receive some kind of orders by the end of the week. Not only is the nature of the orders left to the imagination, but no one seems able to track the grapevine to its roots.
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