

USO Solves Problem For Men Joining Up

Although as yet the University has taken no direct action on a Student Council proposal that the furniture of drafted students be purchased and stored, one solution was presented last night by Aldrich Durant '02, business manager of the University. The Citizen's Committee for the Army and Navy, an affiliate of the USO, has appealed through him to students to contribute their furniture to their organization for the benefit of members of the armed forces.

If such a proposal is acceptible to students of the College some sort of central depot might be established at Cambridge where stocks might be accumulated. Transportation to Boston would be undertaken by the USO. It was also possible that some system might be established whereby the USO would provide a truck which would pick up furniture at students rooms at a given date.

Student Council Proposal

Originally the Student Council had proposed that the University provide some method by which student furniture might be purchased and a glut on the market prevented. So far this program has not met with the approval of the University, although such a program was recently instituted at Dartmouth for the purchase of the furniture of drafted students.

The USO at present needs primarily chairs, tables, sofas, lamps, phonographs, records, radios, books, and athletic equipment. The need for textbooks with special emphasis on those dealing with science, mathematics and engineering, is especially crying.
