

Contact With Former Students Chief Aim

Enabling students in the armed services to contact each other and Harvard families in communities near camps and stations, plans were begun to compile a directory of all men in the armed services at a meeting of the Phillips Brooks House cabinet last night.

One of the few PBH activities which will serve students rather than ask the service of students for others, the idea is the product of the experience of those who have already donned khaki. The lack of a source of information on addresses makes it impossible for men to correspond.

In a camp of several thousand soldiers, fellow Harvard men may never come in contact with each other, losing what maybe their only opportunity to gain foothold of friendship at the post. Similarly there may be Harvard families eager to entertain students in nearby camps, but unable to act without information.

Information from PBH

With the lists compiled by Brooks House, anyone wishing to know where a student is stationed can obtain the information by writing in to PBH. Names of men in nearby camps will also be sent to alumni.


Methods have already been advised to gather the information at Brooks House. The students themselves will be asked to send in postcards with their own addresses, and requests for the addresses of others. A publicity program is planned to spread the work to men leaving the College after midyears.

A second source of data may be the new Alumni Directory poll, covering men already in the armed forces. This poll, which will be used to put out the next issue of the Directory, should yield considerable additions to the list.
