Reaching some degree of agreement after an hour and a half of nominating, the eight members of the Nominating Committee of the Class of '46 last night put forward a tentative ballot containing 23 names. Action, in the form of a class vote, will be taken on the nominations in the House dining halls Friday and Saturday, at lunch and supper.
The Council's unprecedented action in making possible the election of Freshmen to the Council, was taken as the result of the greatly increased proportion of Freshmen in the student body, according to George Saxton '44, Student Council member in charge of Freshman affairs. The nominations were made taking into consideration geographical and housing equality of distribution, Saxton announced.
Those tentatively nominated:
Blaise Alfano
Bradbury Clark
Lawrence Creshkoff
Worth Daniels
Michael Fansler
Frederick Flickinger
Walter Flynn
Robert Green
Alan Greer
Harlan Hanson
Robert Hart
Stephen Ives
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