
Widener Wizards Baffled by Books Eight Years Overdue

Under three inches of dust in the corner of the CRIMSON News Room there were three books, and no one knows how they got there. But a cleaning mania yesterday brought them to light, and it was very obvious from their cards that they'd better get back to Widener, quick. One said due at Boylston Reading Room, May 5, 1934. The others weren't quite so bad.

First they tried the main reading room. Elderly gent there cracked no smile, said, better see Mr. Haines. Went in to the delivery desk. Young guy said well gee, I don't know. Why don't you ask that gentleman at the desk? Asked him. Frankly puzzled, said well you'd better see Miss Conlin.

Back to see Miss Conlin. She took one look, said, oh those go to the reading room. That didn't buffalo the boys. I got twenty cents, one said, would that help? Miss Conlin said she'd take care of it. The boys heard her mutter, as they turned away, it's a shame...Book's way overdue.
