
Lining Them Up


Among all Varsity teams track has so far been the least decimated by graduation and war, and, with a summer squad just rounding out a season's practice, the make-up of next spring's track team is pretty much determined, indicating that track mentor, Jaakko Mikkola, will have a squad strong in stars and experience.

Heads above all stands track captain Don MacKinnon, star Crimson hurdler. MacKinnon's recent first in the high hurdles at Buffalo nosed out Whitey Hlad of Michigan Normal, who has turned in a time in this same event of 13.9 seconds, six seconds better than the standing Harvard record. If this was MacKinno's only splash on the track front for the summer, it was nevertheless one which puts him in first place on the squad.

Sprinting Trio

Honors in the sprints this summer have been split three ways. Frank Coolidge has been rated as one of the best of the Crimson sprinters and a consistent 10 second man. Those in the know have even begun rating him with Doug Pirnie, one of the best Crimson sprinters of all times. Up there with the best of them, however, has been Sophomore Moe Young, who hasn't yet had a chance to show his stuff in an official meet. Last of the sprinting trio which has monopolized the meets this summer is Wes Flint.


Moving up to the 440, we find Fred Withington, this spring's Freshmen captain, taking the laurels. One of the best Crimson middle distance men, Withington came from Exeter with a good record and is well on the way to earning a himself a permanent niche in Harvard track annals.

New Men in the 880

The old guard has been conspicously absent in the 880 and Max Pincus, and Henry Mason, both of this spring's Freshman team, have been more than holding their own. Another threat in his event is Freshman star Herby Pratt. In the mile, a newcomer to the College and the squad, Joe McAndrews, has so far been a steady first, but his time lingers around the 5-minute mark in the mile, and may not stand up in the intercollegiate circuit.

When we reach the two and three mile events, the cross country stars begin to bid for attention. First comes Fred Phinney, cross country captain, followed by Senior Bob Kent, and then Norm March. Tim Coggeshall was sick last year, and thus has not much of a record to go by, but has potentialities in the distance events.

It is the field events that really bring a gleam to Jaakko's eyes, especially when Pete Garland is doing his stuff. Star in shot put and discuss for the Freshman team this spring, Garland broke records with a discus throw of over 140 feet against Yale. Very much present in these events are the famed Fishers from Andover, while hope among the summer squad in the broad jump is John McConbrey. In the seasoned remnants of this spring's Varsity. In the Sophomore stars, and in a crop of new Freshman who are strong in runners and weak in field events, are the elements of a first class team for next spring.
