

Wednesday Evening, September 16 6.45--9.45 Military Science 2  New Lect. Hall Military Science 3  New Lect. Hall Thursday Afternoon, September 17 2.15--5.15 Biology S2a  Memorial Hall Chinese SAb  Memorial Hall Engin. Sci. S1b  Pierce 302 Engin. Sci. S4b  Pierce 307 Engi. Sci. S7b  Pierce 307 Greek S3  Memorial Hall Japanese S6b  Harvard 6 Japanese S7b  Memorial Hall Mathematics S9b  Memorial Hall Physics SBb  Memorial Hall Psychology S10  Memorial Hall Thursday Evening, September 17 6.45--9.45 Economics SAb  Memorial Hall Friday Morning, September 18 9:15--12:15 Anthropology SA  Mallinckrodt MB9 Biology S1a  Mallinckrodt MB9 Chemistry S3  Mallinckrodt MB23 Chemistry S4b  Mallinckropt MB8 Chemistry S5b  Mallinckrodt MB9 Chinese S7  Boylston 20 Chinese S8b  Harvard 5 Economics S1b  Sever 6 Economics S101b  Sever 6 Engin. Sci. S2b  Pierce 302 Engin. Sci. S8b  Pierce 302 English S7b  Emerson D English S35b  Harvard 5 English S50a  New Lect. Hall Fine Arts SA  Fogg Small Lect. Hall French SAb  Emerson A Geography S10b  Mallinckrodt MB9 Government S1b  Memorial Hall Greek S8b  Sever 6 History S1b  New Lect. Hall History S5b  Harvard 6 History S40b  Emerson 211 Latin SAb  Sever 6 Mathematics SAa (9 o'clock sections)  Emerson D Mathematics SAb (9 o'clock sections)  New Lect. Hall Mathematics S6b  Harvard 6 Music SAb  Music Bldg. 4 Philosophy S9  Emerson A Physics SD  Mallinckrodt MB9 Psychology S2  Memorial Hall Slavic SIRb  Sever 5 Sociology SAb  Emerson 211 Spanish S1b  Harvard 2 Friday Afternoon, September 18 2.15--5.15 Anthropology S1a  Mallinckrodt MB9 Anthropology S19  Peabody Mus. 22 Astronomy S6  Mallinckrodt MB9 Chinese S6  Emerson D Economics S62b  Mallinckrodt MB9 Economics S162b  Mallinckrodt MB9 Engin. Sci. S11a  Pierce 302 English S23b  Memorial Hall English S54b  Sever 36 French S6b  Sever 5 German SEb  Sever 6 German S30  Emerson A Government S4a  Mallinckrodt MB23 Government S36  Mallinckrodt MB9 History S42b  Harvard 5 Latin SBb  Emerson A Latin S15b  Emerson A Mathematics SAb (10 o'clock sections)  Memorial Hall Mathematics S2b (10 o'clock section)  Harvard 6 Mathematics S5b  Harvard 2 Minerology S2b  Mallinckrodt MB9 Music S1a  New Lect. Hall Music SDb  Music Bldg. 4 Philosophy SE  Emerson 211 Physics SBc  Memorial Hall Psychology S36  Emerson D Slavic S10b  Emerson A Sociology S3a  Emerson D Spanish S5b  Emerson 211 Friday Evening, September 18 6.45--9.45 French SCb  Memorial Hall French SDb  Memorial Hall French SEb  New Lect. Hall German SAb  Memorial Hall German SCb  New Lect. Hall Saturday Morning, September 19 9.15--12.15 Anthropology S12  Peabody Mus. 22 Biology S2b  Memorial Hall Chemistry SAb  Mallinckrodt MB9 Chemistry S2b  Mallinckrodt MB23 Chemistry S6b  Mallinckrodt MB9 Economics S141b  Sever 6 Engin. Sci. S6b  Pierce 302 English S1b  Harvard 5 English S5b  Harvard 6 English S15b  Sever 17 Fine Arts Slab  Fogg Small Lect. Hall French SFb  Harvard 2 French S7a  Sever 17 Geography S1b  New Lect. Hall German SDb  Sever 1 German SFb  Emerson 211 German S10  Emerson D Government S29b  New Lect. Hall Greek SBb  Sever 5 Greek SGb  Sever 6 History S32b  New Lect. Hall History S64b  Memorial Hall Mathematics SAb (11 o'clock sections)  New Lect. Hall Mathematics S2b (11 o'clock section)  Sever 18 Philosophy SAb  Emerson D Physics SAa  Memorial Hall Physics S4b  Emerson 211 Physics S24b  New Lect. Hall Sociology S7a  Emerson D Spanish S7  Sever 5 Saturday Afternoon, September 19 2.15--5.15 Celtic S1  Memorial Hall Economics S19b  Memorial Hall Economics S61a  New Lect. Hall Economics S162a  New Lect. Hall Engin. Sci. S12b  Pierce 302 Fine Arts SFb  Fogg Large Lect. Hall Fine Arts S3x  Fogg Small Lect. Hall French S9b  Memorial Hall Geology S1b  New Lect. Hall Geology S10b  Memorial Hall Government S5  Memorial Hall Mathematics SAa (12 o'clock section)  New Lect. Hall Mathematics SAb (12 o'clock section)  Memorial Hall Philosophy SD  Emerson D Philosophy S1  Emerson A Scandinavian S102  Memorial Hall Slavic S1b  New Lect. Hall Sociology S30  Emerson D

All examinations are three hours in length--morning examinations from 9.15 to 12.15; afternoon examinations from 2.15; to 5.15; evening examinations from 6.45 to 9:45.

If a student has a conflict about which he has not already been notified, he should report immediately to Mr. Leonard, 2 Wadsworth House.

Regulations; No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever.

A student who is more than five minutes late may be admitted by the proctor, provided no other student has left the examination room. Such a student, however, may not remain beyond the regular closing hour to complete his examination.
