Reports from Washington indicated last night that the emergency provision in the Army Enlisted Reserve program that reservists may be called up at any time, would become effective by mid-years. Although no immediate demand for all men in the ERC was threatened, the statement acknowledged that war manpower needs are so great hat every enlisted college man over 20 would be summoned after December 31.
This major announcement by Secretary of War Henry Stimson was made verbally at a press conference yesterday, and therefore available reports of his orders were vague and ambiguous. Harvard officials reached late last night had not been informed of the facts and were unable to clarify the announcement on such short notice.
Details Not Clarified
Only one definite fact could be ascertained: that for all men over 20 the ERC would be ineffective as a deferment program after the new year. Details of military training were not made clear and no statement was forthcoming as to whether this ERC age maximum would be decreased to correspond with a lowered draft age.
Dean Henry Chauncey last night suggested that Stimson's remarks emphasized the warning of the McNutt report of last week that college students could not be sure of finishing their course of study. Dr. Richard Leopold, acting head of the War Service Information Bureau, added that the Enlisted Reserve would still be advantageous under present conditions for students not yet 20.
Two Effects Foreseen
Colonel Francis A. Doniat, in charge of the Military Science Department, analyzed the announcement to have two effects on the student body in the Enlisted Reserve. Those also enrolled in ROTC would, he felt, in all probability stay in college; while those in the ERC, over 20 and not in the ROTC, may expect to be called up after January with the possibility of having to take some training in ROTC. Colonel Doniat added that his sole source of information was the newspaper article and that it suggested that plans were not entirely completed.
The United Press released the following:
"1. The War Department announced that college students who are members of the Enlisted Reserve face a call to active duty at the end of the college term or semester beginning this month, provided they have reached 20 years of age.
"2. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson said recent legislation increasing base pay of service men and granting financial aid to their dependents has made possible recall to service of several thousand members of the Army Reserve, Enlisted Reserve and National Guard now deferred for dependency.
"Stimson said all young men who meet physical and mental standards for military service ultimately will find themselves in uniform.
"'The stepping up of the intensity of the vital combat in which we are engaged and the growing need for enlarged forces make it clear that all young men fortunate enough to serve their country in the armed forces are destined for that service,' he said.
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