
Navy Announces Minor V-1 Program Changes

Sub Classifications Create New Naval Reserve Groups

A subdivision of the V-1 program has been announced, forming sub-classes V-1 (G) and V-1 (S), which involves many minor changes. Those in V-1 (G) are men who on the basis of the qualifying exams will transfer into V-5 or V-7 for active duty or engineering officers, this last class requiring college math and physics.

In Class V-1 (S) are men meeting the physical, scholastic, and personal requirements of the specialist classes. They will enter the branch indicated by their qualifying exams at graduation: those entering V-7 will be put in V-7 (S).

Concerning vision requirements, men are automatically placed in V-1 (G) if their eyes are 18-20 correctable to 20-20, whereas V-1 (S) allows 12-20 correctable to 20-20. All accepted premeds, however, fall into Class V-1 (S)
