With singles open only to upperclassmen during the summer term, water-minded Freshmen--150 strong --have turned to Newell, where, under the tutelage of Harvey Love, the majority of them patiently plied the Charles in the Leviathan until they were good enough to be transferred to one of the eight oared shell barges.
Most of the Freshmen being beginners, they were automatically relegated to the training barge. Those who had had some prep school experience were put into boats right away, but many of them were sooner or later transferred back to the Leviathan where Harvey could help them iron out some kink in their form, and to date, almost all the Freshmen out for crew have had their turn in the barge.
Love Coaches Green Men
With Harvey Love taking charge of all the green men, and with only one launch available at the moment, many of the Freshmen have not moved up to the boats as fast as they might ordinarily. Tom Bolles and Bert Haines are scheduled to be back Monday and with more launches available, any Freshman who knows "which end to put in the water ought to be able to get out in a shell," according to Coach Love.
Since all of the class of '46 has not yet enrolled, it is impossible to tell now just how well this year's Freshman crew will turn out, but with the best percentage of prep school oarsmen in years, the chances are pretty good that it'll be a successful season.
A good many from last year's Freshmen and upperclassmen have turned out at one time or another, but there has been no attempt to make up any boats. Tommy Boynton, last year's Varsity cox has been in charge of all the upper class boats but most of the time he has just lined them up in shells and sent them out for an informal workout.
No Varsity Lineup Yet
Three of last year's Varsity boat will be eligible to row this spring. Five are still in College, but two of them will graduate in February under the accelerated program. Any lineup is still pretty much up in the air since in these times it's never quite certain just who will be here in the spring.
The prospect of any active House crews or House crew races doesn't look very promising. Earlier in the summer, three Houses asked if they could send out boats, but so far a total of only three trips has been made. The Houses can still get crews together if they want but many of the men who have had quite a lot of previous experience don't like going out in a green boat with new Freshmen. The boats would have to leave from Newell, and unlike the spring when boats left from Weld, they would have to be under supervision.
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