

Sunday Train Trip Arranged To Get Dance Dates for 4th

Neither gas nor the shortages are going to stop the boys of Harvard '46 from meeting the girls of Wellesley '46 this year, for the Freshman Inter-House Committee has organized an expedition to Wellesley by train which will meet Sunday afternoon in the Adams House Lower Common Room at 2 o'clock in preparation for making the 2:45 train from South Station for Wellesley.

The main purpose of "the train ride on Wellesley," besides to scoop the other men's colleges on contacting the crop of Freshman beauties, is to help the '46 men meet potential dates for the Freshman dance which is scheduled for next Thursday night in Lowell House. And the Committee is very optimistic about Wellesley's ability to fill the bill.

Formerly, Freshmen could line the hallway of Phillips Brooks House to watch with critical eyes the entrance of Wellesley newcomers, who had paid a 50 cent bus fare for the occasion. But this year Harvard men are going to prove that they are true gentlemen, as well as scholars, by submitting to the slight expense and the rigors of the 38-minute train ride.

The expedition will meet at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon and, after 15 minutes of organization, board the subway for South Station. Name tags, to facilitate introductions, will be passed out. And it is rumored that Freshmen will have to show their Bursar's cards.
