Mass collection of civilian blood to be converted to typeless plasma and distributed to fighting ships and army posts, ready for immediate use, will be the subject of a talk given by Dr. Carl W. Walter '28, associate in Surgery, speaking in the New Lecture Hall at 8 o'clock today.
Dr. Walter, who is the director of the laboratory for surgical research at the Harvard Medical School and technical director of the blood donor center in Boston, will describe how the Red Cross blood bank works and the techniques evolved in the donation centers.
Large Boston Center
The blood donation center in Boston, one of 18 located in large cities, has already received donations from nearly 45,000 people. Since early last spring, students of the College who have wished to donate blood to the Red Cross, have usually done so through their House agents. Consistent leader since the drive in the Houses began has been Adams, with Kirkland generally a close second.
The lecture is presented under the joint, auspices of the Harvard Summer School and the American Association of Scientific Workers.
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