

Crimson Guerrillas Have Finished Basic Training

In a new program aimed at complete physical fitness, Yale University is organizing Commando combat teams which will undertake a voluntary training program modeled on the Olympic Pentathlon. The Yale unit will not, however, prepare students for war but merely toughen them for future training.

Although the combat teams are unparalleled in Yale history, the college hopes to gain cooperation of the students by running the program on a competitive basis and holding a final contest in November to determine the winner of the five game series.

Yale Program Stresses Toughening

The Yale plan, run on an experimental basis, intends to harden the students and prepare them for service under fire by giving them physical tests which approach in difficulty those developed by British Commandos and American Ranger troops. Actual tactics and technique will be neglected, however.

On the Harvard front, the Guerrilla Unit under the leadership of Alan G. Grant, Jr. '45 has completed the first steps of basic training and is about to start working as combat teams. In conjunction with this, they will learn some of the latest techniques developed on world battlefronts.


Actual Problems Studied

After combat team drill has been practiced and mastered by the unit, Grant plans to undertake actual problems frequently met with in guerrilla warfare.

Although 130 or 140 students signed up for the training, only about 90 have attended the afternoon training periods. Grant says that there are about 40 who show signs of becoming good guerrillas.
