
And Then Out at Wellesley We Have 1800 Beautiful.

As the Yale Dally News pointed out in a solemn and straight-faced notice Monday, women's colleges are opening, and soon. Harvard men will not have their cake after September 19, but may still eat it if they can figure out transportation to Wellesley, Vassar, Smith, Connecticut, and grayer pastures.

Wellesley is rushing to the post first and Lake Waban will be repopulated by August 30. Thirteen miles should be little more than a three-hour walk for reconditioned Harvard students.

Less anxious, Smith waits until September 16, when Harvard will be entering exam agonies, to take the first step. Connecticut and Vassar all follow within a few weeks. And as they open, Wig grows thin, giggles die down, and the girls hope earnestly that summer friendships are lasting friendships.
