

Contempt by Military can Be Traced from Frederick

Two important lectures on Germany will be given next week by Dr. William Hermanns, who came to America in 1937 and has since written several sociological and educational treatises. On Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in Emerson D. he will speak on "Germany's Political Methods", and, Thursday, on "Germany's Diplomatic Mistakes."

Hermanns holds advanced degrees from the College of Economics in Berlin and from the University in Frankfurt and has also taken courses in the Universities of Geneva, Paris, and London.

Taught at Simmons

He has recently been giving courses in education and world affairs at Simmons. In his lectures Hermanns wants to show the great danger of the military castes when they come to consider themselves "not servants of a cause, but servants to their own class." "HItlerism," he says, is "nothing but an organic growth of a military tradition which goes back to Frederick the Great."
