
Navy Men Will Drill With Guns: Scuttlebutt

Strollers through the Yard need fear no volleys when they see the Navy drilling with rifles on their shoulders. Three hundred Enfields, British models of 1917, recently arrived at the Naval Training School, are now being cleaned to be ready Monday, Ensign H. S. Moore, head of the executive department, announced yesterday, but the quiet of the Yard will not be disturbed, because the rifles will not be fired.

The guns will be kept at the armory in Memorial Hall, where battallion units will secure them and return them before and after every drill. Exempt from carrying the rifles are platoon, company, and battalion officers as well as members of the regimental staff.

Although the Enfields were constructed to be carried in a sidewise position, the Navy men will carry them in the normal American way, although they weigh more than American models, and differ in design and balance.
