

Limit on Traveling Will Be Necessary

As part of its wartime program aimed at lower student living costs, the Student Council will present to the Harvard Athletic Committee tomorrow a plan of athletic economies designed to slice fees for participation tickets, contribution books, and lockers.

At the same time William J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics, pointed out that the war's effect on athletic supplies and transportation has made serious attacks on Harvard sports and that careful planning and conservation will be necessary to keep organized athletics on the scene,

Limitations Forecast

While Bingham warned of stringent limitations on expenditures in the form of far less travel, replacement of supplies, and engagement of new coaches, the Council explained its position. The desired savings, according to F. Barton Harvey '43, committeeman who will present the Council plan, "can be brought about if every sport cuts all excess expenses."

The plan which is being suggested to the Committe, made up of representatives of every sport, calls for reports from captains of each team pointing out all possible economies.


Seeking the same ends that he feels are mandatory, the plan is more optimistic in hoping for lowered fees for students, Bingham said. Stating that present prices are "not exorbitant," he said that locker fees would be optional in the fall, but that no other savings were in sight for students. "Football fall receipts are the basis" of the whole athletic economy, he said, and football may be halted by Army decree.
