
Over the Wire

Marines Hold Japs; Indian Riots Increase

United States Marines are locked in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese in the Tulagi area of the Solomon Islands, above Australia, where they stormed ashore a few days ago, Marine Corps headquarters announced in Washington Tuesday.

Cautious reports from Australia and New Zealand intimated that they and cooperating forces were holding grimly to their gains and having "some success" despite stiff enemy resistance, but otherwise there was little indication of how this first Allied offensive in the Pacific was progressing.

In India, mob turbulence in Bombay and Delhi rose to such heights of violence that British Imperial troops for the first time had to join police in efforts to quell it. The unofficial death tell since the mass struggle for Indian independence started on Sunday mounted to 32 with the killing of 13 more rioters in Bombay and three in Delhi.
