
Tozzer Will Give New Anthropology Courses

Other Schedule Changes for 2nd Session are Announced

Among the changes made in the courses to be given during the second session, is the addition of another course in Anthropology which will study the ancient civilizations of Mexico and Central America under the direction of Alfred M. Tozzer '00, professor of Anthropology.

The new course, Anthropology 819 (hf)., is a review of ancient middle American cultures and includes the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec civilizations, together with a study of the present aboriginal population of the region. The course will make use of the archaeological collection in the Peabody Museum.

Other course changes which have been made during the second session are the addition of Anthropology 812 which was scheduled for the first session but not given because of Professor Tozzer's absence, and the addition of a course in Industrial Camouflage Design which is called Fine Arts 83x (hf.)

The Summer School Office also announces that History 820b, Philosophy 34d, and Philosophy 814a, will not be given this session. A special course in diction and voice training is to be given, however, although it will not be counted for course credit.

It is a Faculty ruling this summer that all course shall be half courses. Thus the grades of the midyear examinations will not be averaged with the results of the second semester as is usual but will count for half-course credit.
