

Expert Will Lecture Twice Today and Once Tomorrow

Speaking on the Indian situation of long ago, today and tomorrow, C. Brooke Elliott, noted lecturer and writer, will give the three Forum Lectures scheduled for today at 4 and 8 o'clock and tomorrow at 8 o'clock in New Lecture Hall.

In his first lecture, "India of Long Ago," this afternoon, Elliott will describe the growth of India under British imperialism and the role that it has played in conflicts in the Far East. In his geographical description of the country and its resources Elliott will stress the position of India as the pivot of Asia.

"India Today" Tonight

Tonight at 8 o'clock at New Lecture Hall in his second lecture, "India Today," Elliott will deal with the Indian political and racial questions, and other acute conflicts caused by the war. The urgent demand for "Dominion Status," "The Indian National Congress," the Moslem League, and the Native States are all points he will consider in his discussion.

In the closing talk, "India Tomorrow" on Tuesday at 8 o'clock, Elliott will discuss the prospects for Indian growth and participation in a post-war world. From two decades of practicing law in the Far East, he knows the ways of the Eastern people, the life of the jungle, and the ancient history of this famous land.
