
. . . and Still Bleeding

It isn't hard to audit a course at the Harvard Summer Session. Nothing more simple, as a matter of fact. First you go into Boston and have your picture taken by any accredited photographer. It doesn't have to be Bachrach, because the University doesn't want you to spend any more money than you have to--the world situation being what it is. Well, you get your picture taken, then take it back to Cambridge, where you will be met by Yard Cops or other persons of authority who will escort you to an office "somewhere in the Yard." You don't have to march in time or anything like that: just be nice and don't try to pull anything tricky. Once you get to the office, your troubles are almost over. As you stand in line and await your educational passport, feel in your wallet. Of course you have ten dollars resting expectantly between the bill folds. There are three other pieces of green paper, worth approximately one dollar apiece, snuggled in beside it, but don't touch them: they are for your athletic locker. And don't worry about getting home in September. Rumor bath it that gas will be abundant and hitch-hiking profitable by that time. No: just pull out the ten spot and slide it to the gent across the desk, paste your picture on the card he gives you, and squirm out.

You had better hurry, because finger prints and four-star recommendations may be required by the time the second session rolls around. You can't be too careful these days. No telling who's going to audit Harvard summer courses. No telling at all. Maybe nobody will.
