
Summer School Calendar


Health Programs Designed to Meet the Psycho-physical Needs of Youth--Seminar on Youth Standards in Wartime. Dr. Arlie V. Bock, Emerson 211, 2:30 o'clock.

Social Union Tea. PBH, 4 o'clock.

Motion Pictures. New Lecture Hall, 8 o'clock.

Reconstruction and Political Settlement in the Far East. Dr. Edwin O. Reischauer, Lowell Junior Common Room, 8 o'clock.


American Politics in the Reconstruction Period. Professor Benjamin F. Wright, Dunster Junior Common Room, 8 o'clock.

Full Employment and Agricultural Problems After the War. Professor John H. Black, Winthrop Junior Common Room, 8 o'clock.


The Eight Year Study: Problems and Consequences--School of Education Alumni Institute. Wilfred M. Aiken, Hunt Hall, 10 A. M.

School Programs for Facilitating the Wholesome Self-management of Youth--Seminar on Youth Standards in Wartime. Dr. Jean Mendenhall, Dr. James C. Janney, Emerson 211, 2:30 o'clock.

Concert. Putnam Aldrich and Malcolm Holmes, Paine Hall, 8 o'clock.

The Place of Russia in the Post-War World. Corliss Lamont, Alexander Meyendork, and Dr. Edwin O. Reischauer, New Lecture Hall, 8 o'clock.
