The Consumer and the War-Forum Lecture. Auspices of War Service Committee and Social Studies Workshop of Graduate School of Education. Emerson D, 2 o'clock.
Modern Problems of Family Life--Seminar on Youth Standards in Wartime. Professor Joseph K. Folsom, Emerson 211, 2:30 o'clock.
Social Union Tea. (Primarily for Graduates) Warburg Hall, Fogg Museum, 4 o'clock.
Synthetic Rubber--Illustrated Lecture. Dr. Howard I. Cramer, New Lecture Hall, 8 o'clock.
Current Events Talk. Professor Abbott Payson Usher, New Lecture Hall, 4 o'clock.
Poetry Reading. Professor Theodore Spencer. New Lecture Hall, 8 o'clock.
Harvard Night at the Pops. Summer School Chorus. Symphony Hall, Boston, 8:30 o'clock.
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