
Dances in March Time

If approved by the necessary House authorities, the Student Council's "Committee on House Dances" should succeed in ending the major headache of College Dance Committees. The mass robbery to which inexperienced undergraduate contact men have been ever subjected by unscrupulous agents has had much to do with the one thousand dollar deficit caused by the spring dances. A centralized, experienced board, working through agents known to be reliable or dealing directly with the Musician's Union is the logical answer to a difficult situation.

By giving this board the power to pass on all orchestra contracts, and by authorizing it to issue reports on individual agents for the use of House Committees, the Council has met a portion of the challenge. But unless its scope is expanded the Committee will fall short of its ultimate objectives, for its charter refuses to recognize the special conditions which the war imposes. These are the times that empty students' wallets and fill their hours with academic duties. The sparse, turn-out for spring dances showed that the Houses were supplying more dances than the student market would bear, and any Freshman in Ec A could have predicted the resulting loss. If authorized to limit the number of major dances and to promote occasional inter-House combinations, the new Committee can do the job which the Council has cut out for it.
