

Henry S. Bloch, well-known specialist in war finance and economy, will be the speaker at the second of the two war forum meetings scheduled today when he addresses an audience at 8 o'clock in New Lecture Hall. The first meeting at 4 o'clock in Emerson D will feature "The Citizen and the War," a program under the auspices of the War Service Committee. Bloch will speak on "Economic Mobilization."

A participant in the University of Chicago Round Tables and formerly connected with the University of Paris and leading French economists. Bloch is known for his ability to humanize and simplify his material for non-specialist audiences. He is co-author of "Economic Mobilization," a leading pamphlet on defense financing.

Margaret Mead to Speak

Dr. Margaret Mead, speaking on "The Functioning of American Character in Total War," will highlight the third Forum lecture tomorrow night in New Lecture Hall at 8 o'clock. Dr. Mead, who has made numerous trips to Samoa, New Guinea, and Bali, is an authority on the relationship between character structure and social forms and is now relating her studies on compact, stable societies to American society.
