
WSC Holds Open Meeting Tonight

Opportunities for Service In War Effort to be Told

Tonight's meeting at 8:00 in the Phillips Brooks House will inaugurate the summer activities of the Harvard War Service Committee. Open to all members of the University and Summer School, the meeting is designed to explain the multiple functions of the Committee and to enroll volunteers for essential civilian services.

The meeting, at which Committee Chairman Adam Yarmolinsky '43, will preside, will feature a group of speakers representing the WSC's different activities. George M. Burditt '44, Chairman of PBH's Social Service Committee, will talk on volunteer opportunities for members of the University; while Raymond Dennett '36, Captain of the Harvard Auxiliary Police Co., will speak on the activities of his organization.

Also on the program will be Miss Sprague of the Boston Blood Donors Center, and Elliott Jaques M. D., Assistant in Psychology and Chairman of the youth auxiliary of the Boston Committee on Public Safety. As the head of the Youth for Victory Council, Dr. Jaques is well qualified to discuss student opportunities for war service. Robert L. Work of the Hospital Orderlies Service will expand on the opportunities for activity with that group.

Students will have a chance to ask questions about any of the activities listed on the War Service Questionnaire which they filled out at registration.
