

Expert on East Indies to Discuss Problems of Future

The Harvard Post-War Council will launch its summer program of discussion groups and speakers Thursday night at 8:00 o'clock in Emerson D when Professor Anton de Haas of the Business School will address undergraduates and Summer School and Radcliffe students in a special organization meeting.

Professor de Haas will stress the necessity for studying post-war problems and discuss what is involved in such a study. Since over 250 have registered with the Council, a large turn-out is expected at the initial conference and at the subsequent committee meetings.

Big Open Meetings Planned

The Council's program as outlined by Maurice S. Friedman '43, chairman of the Council, will include several large open meetings to be addressed by authorities inside and out the college and also weekly discussion committee meetings.

These three discussion committees will be advised by faculty members who are experts in the particular field of study under consideration. Already scheduled to start off the discussions with the International Politics Committee are Professor Sidney B. Fay. Gaetano Salvemini, Lauro De Boisis Lecturer on the History of Italian Civilization. Elwin O. Reischauer, Instructor in Far Eastern Languages, and Shepard Jones, director of the World Peace Foundation.
