

Extra-Curricular Activities

In carrying out the University's program for acceleration of all College and University work during the war, students in Harvard College who are in residence during the Summer term will work under the supervision of the Dean of Harvard College. Similarly, Radcliffe College students will have their work supervised by the usual administrative officers of Radcliffe College. Likewise, the Deans of the several Graduate Schools will be in charge of scholastic arrangements for graduate students. Men and women not regularly enrolled in any of the Departments of Harvard University will be under the supervision of the Director of the Summer School.

Living Arrangements

The assignment of many dormitories in Harvard Yard and the Harvard Union to Navy personnel makes it impossible to provide enough dormitory space to meet the expected demand from Summer School students. All Harvard undergraduate students, including new Freshmen, will reside in the Houses outside the Yard. All Radcliffe College undergraduate students, including temporary transfers from other women's colleges, will reside in Radcliffe dormitories. Only Wigglesworth, Grays, Farlow, and Walker will be available for other Summer School students.

Seminar on Youth Standards in Wartime

This non-credit seminar under the direction of Eleanor T. Gleuck, assisted by Mrs. T. Grafton Abbott, Consultant in Parent Education of the Division of Child Hygiene of the Massachusetts State Department of Public Health, is intended to provide a forum for the exploration and understanding of the increasing difficulties besetting youth on the path to wholesome self-management. It will meet throughout the month of July from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock in Room 211, Emerson Hall, except on July 8, 9, and 10 when the Harvard Summer School Conference on Tomorrow's Children is in session. For the majority of its meetings, the seminar will convene as a whole for a one-hour lecture followed by three-quarters of an hour of questions and discussion. For some of its meetings, the seminar will be divided into six workshops for intensive consideration of practical programs, under the leadership of specialists in various phases of the youth problem. It is expected that each person registering for the seminar will participate in one of these workshops.


The course fee is $10, and application blanks for admission to it may be secured at the Summer School office, Wadsworth House. Individual sessions of the seminar may be attended upon payment of a registration fee of 75 cents. Regularly registered students in the Summer Term of Harvard University, who are studying in the Graduate School of Education or are enrolled in graduate courses in the Department of Sociology and Psychology, may attend the lecture discussion meetings of the seminar without payment of any fee. Such persons should present their Bursar's receipt to the seminar's registration clerk.

Summer School Convocation.

The annual Summer School Convocation will be held Tuesday evening. June 30, at 8 P.M. in Sanders Theatre with provisions for an overflow audience in the New Lecture Hall. The program will include music by the Silberberg Quartet, a brief address of welcome by the Director of the Summer School, an announcement by Mr. Adam Yarmolinsky, Chairman of the War Service Council of Harvard College, and an address by President James Bryant Conant.

All students and faculty in residence during the summer are cordially invited to attend this Convocation. This includes students in Harvard College, the Harvard Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, of Education, of Engineering, and of Design, as well as students in Radcliffe College and others in attendance only during the Summer Term.

Current Events Talks

Two series of current events talks have been arranged for the first session of the Summer Term. One of these series, scheduled for 4 P.M. on Tuesday afternoons beginning July 7, will deal particularly with international events and will be presented by Professor Haus Kohn of Smith College in the New Lecture Hall. The other series, dealing more especially with national affairs, will be presented by members of the faculty of Harvard University at 4 P.M. on Thursday beginning July 2 in the New Lecture Hall. Both series are open to the general public.

The schedule for the Thursday afternoon talks is as follows: July 2, Professor Summer H. Slichter; July 9, Professor S. E. Harris; July 16, Professor Abbott Payson Usher; July 23, Professor Alvin H. Hansen; July 30, Professor Clarence H. Haring.

Motion Picture Showings

The first of a series of motion pictures, arranged especially for students in the Harvard Summer School, will be presented Wednesday, July 1, in the Institute of Geographical Exploration at 6:15, and 9:15 P. M. Tickets of admission, for which no charge is made, must be secured in advance at the Information Desk in Memorial Hall on or before Tuesday, June 30, or at the Information Desk in Wadsworth House on Wednesday morning, July 1. The pictures to be shown on Wednesday, July 1, are "Norway in Revolt" and "Target for Tonight."
