
Naval Representative To Explain V-1 Plan

Program Helps Student to Complete College Education

Lieut. William R. Fry, Assistant Recruiting Inspector of the Northeastern division, USN, will spend Saturday through Monday, at Harvard University, to explain the greater opportunities now offered to college freshmen and sophomores in the V-1 program of the Navy.

According to Lieut, Fry, the V-1 program is designed primarily to permit the college student to complete as much of his college education as possible, a minimum of two full calendar years or enough time to complete college and secure a degree. The program is open to all freshmen and sophomores between the ages of 17 to 19 inclusive and to high school graduates who have been accepted for entrance into accredited colleges.

If the V-1 student prefers to try for V-5, aviation cadet training leading to flying officer's commissions, he may do so instead of trying for V-7 and deck or engineering officer's commissions.

In conjunction with the possibility of the V-1 students transferring to V-5, Lieut. (jg) F. W. MacBarron, of the Navy's Flight Selection Board, will accompany Lieut. Fry and will be available with him at Lowell House C-12 and at the meeting to be held at the Phillips Brooks House. They will be available for interview on Saturday and Monday at Lowell House, and will speak to the pre-arranged general assembly at the Phillips Brooks House on Monday, June 29, 1942 at 7:00 P. M.
