June 23, Tuesday
Rooms assigned to Freshmen ready for occupancy.
June 25, Thursday
9-10 a.m.--New students in Harvard College, including new transfer students, will report at Memorial Hall for their assignment to Advisers. They will then go to their Advisers for approval of their choice of studies, returning to Memorial Hall to fill out registration papers. Registration, including enrollment in two courses for the Summer Term, must be completed by 9 p.m.
10-1, 2-5, 7-8--Conferences of new students with Advisers.
1-2:30--Placement test in Chemistry, New Lecture Hall.
3-4:30--Placement test in Physics, New Lecture Hall.
June 26, Friday
9-10:30--Placement test in French, New Lecture Hall.
11-1--Examination for exemption from English A, New Lecture Hall.
2-4--Reading examination in German for Language Requirement, New Lecture Hall.
3:30-4:30--Freshman Advisers available for conference.
7:30--Reception for all new students in Harvard College, including new transfer students, Harvard Union. President Conant and others will address the incoming class.
June 27, Saturday
9 a.m.--Required meeting for all new students in Harvard College, New Lecture Hall. Announcements by the Dean of Freshmen, Director of Athletics, and Chairman of the Medical Department.
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. . . and Still Bleeding