

Navy Sword to Weaselhoeft Navigation Prize to Newton

Rervard's student soldiers and sailors who completed their training for war this year are being given other letters of appointment as commissioned reservists or certificates of course completion.

The Naval Officer's Sword, awarded to a Senior "in recognition of academic standing, officer-like qualities, and an outstanding, performance as a member of the Naval ROTC at Harvard College" will be presented to William Wessolhoeft '42 of Boston, who received his commission together with his fellows in ceremonles at noon today in the Fogg Art Museum.

Major General Sherman Miles, commanding the First Corps Area, Awarded the commissions and certificates to 68 members of Mil Sci 4 in the Fogg Art Museum Tuesday morning. The oath of office was administered by Major Morton Smith, F.A., adjutant of the Harvard Military ROTC.

The Navigation Prize offered by Arthur Adams '99, to a regularly enrolled member of the Senior Class "for proficiency in navigation" will be awarded by Robert H. Hallowell, chairman of the visiting committee on Military and Naval Science, to Arthur G. Newton '42 of West Chatham, today. The commissions will be officially bestowed by Charles Francis Adams, former secretary of the Navy and president of the Board of Overseers.

Presented commissions as Second Lieutenant in the Field Artillery Reserve were: Joseph M. Ambrose, Dancers; Walter D. Brooks, Jr., Fitchburg; Francis E. Carlson, Winchester; Arthur G. Carty, Jamaica Plain; Thomas M. Cook, Cleveland Heights, Ohio; Stuart H. Cowen, West Warwick, Rhode Island; Richard B. Craig, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Robert F. Cutting 2d, New York City; Nicholas E. Devereux 3d, Fort Ontario, New York; John J. Devin, Newton Center; Henry F. Dunbar, Boston; Gerald Eisner, New York City; Russell W. Ellis, Winchester;


John M. Ferry, New York City; Emil B. Fleischaker, New York City; Francis L. Forster, Jr., Providence, R. L.; Bernard D. Frank, Boston; Nathan H. Garrick, Jr., Boston; Charles S. Glesson, Wareham; Landis Gores, Cincinnati, Ohio; James G. Hays, Jr., Ann Arbor, Mich.; Thomas L. Higginson, Marshall, Va.; Richard A. Hirschfield, Chicago, Ill.; John W. Hughes, Lake Forest, Ill.; Arthur C. Hyman, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; David B. Ingram, Mansfield; Edward F. Kilroy, Roslindale; George J. Kyte, Jr., West Hartford, Conn.; Paul A. Lamothe, Arlington; Sheldon L. Land Cambridge; Jamen D. Lyach, Lowell;

Doniel F. Martipi, Shamokin, Pa.; Allen W. Mathis, Jr., Park Ridge, Ill.; Thoman J. MeEilligoti, Watertown; Malcolm P. McNair, Jr., Cambridge; John S. McNayr, Newtonville; Robert K. Monney, Waterford, Conn; Lester J. Murphy, Dorchester; William O'Keefe, Staten Istand, New York; Thomas J. O'Toole, Newton; Frank A. Pemberton, Jr., Chestnut Hill; John G. Penson, Glen Head, L. I., N. Y.; Allen C. Percival, Fitchburg; Frederick Pope, Jr., Wilton, Conn.; Thomas C. Quirk, Watertown; James J. Redmen, Horulutu, Hawall; John C. Robbins, Jr., Cleveland Heights, Ohio; James T. Ragers, Binghampton, N. Y.;

Thomas A. Registad, Detroit Lakes, Minn.; Frederick J. Sears, Jr., North Attleboro; Norman R. Stanley, Dorchester; Robert Vantine, Newtonville; Walter A. Ward, Belmont; Thomas J. White, Cambridge; Windsor T. White, 2d, Cleveland., Ohio; James T. Williams, 2d, Miami Beach Fla.; and Clarence H. Weeks, Andover.

Norman M. Neagle of Belmont was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Signal Reserve, Certificates of course completion in field artillery training were presented to: George I. Connolly, Jr., Arlington; Roger C. Henselman, Medford, Ohio; William W. Jones, Huntington, W. Va.; John C. Millard, Staten Island, N. Y.; Eugeno J. Reilly, Jamaica Plain; George L. Snow, 2d, Winchester; Bayard C. Stone, Eikins Park, Pa.; and John E. Tully, West Roxbury. Charles P. Berdell, 3d, of New York City received a certificate of course completion and will be commissioned later as a Second Lientenant in the Chemical Whemical Warfar Reserve.

The students receiving commissions as Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, were: William E. Albers, Brookline; Berrien P. Anderson, Jr., San Rafael, Calif.; Guy N. Bacon, Westbury, L. L., N. Y.; Peter Black, Boston; Robert B. Black, Waban; Rodney Boynton, Scarsdale, N. Y.; John T. Burr, Needham; Alfred T. Conlin, Lawrence; George C. Cunningham, Jr., Milton; William C. Dias, Cambridge; David M. Ewing, Boston;

Gerard A. Fulham, Wellesley Hills; Thomas Gardiner, Gardiner, Me.; Thomas B. A. Godfrey, Ardmore, Pa.; John T. Hassell, Salem; Mark Hollingsworth, Boston; Franklin King, Jr., Chestnut Hill; Alois W. Krause, Jr., West Newton; John P. Lacy, Lewiston, N. Y.; Albert L. Lincoln, Jr., Chestnut Hill; John Lowell Westwood; Arthur T. Lyman, Jr., Westwood; Andrew C. Marsters, Wilton, Conn.; Richard L. Lyman, Jr., Westwood; Andrew C. Marsters, Wilton, Conn.; Richard L. Mills, Brookline; Jay S. Myers, Houston, Tex.; Arthur G. Newton, West Chatham;

Endicott Peabody, 2d, Syracuse, N. Y.; John H. Powel, Providence, R. I.; Fred K. Queen, Needham, Heights; Geraldyn L. Redmond, Locust Valley, L. I., N. Y.; Roger P. Stokey, Atlanta, Ga.; John J. Sullivan, Jr., Cliftondale; Roger E. Tatton, Maplewood, N. J.; George R. Wadleigh, Jamestown, R. I.; William Wesselhoeft, Boston; Norman H. Whitehead, Jr., Providence, R. I.; Gerald Whitehead, Jr., Providence, R. I.; Greenwich, Conn.; Donald B. Wilson, Winchester; Edwin T. Witherby, Jr., Boston; and William M. Wood, Louisville, Ky.

Commissioned as Ensign in the Supply Corps of the Navy were Paul J. Flammand, Cambridge, and William H. J. Kennedy, Jr., Dorchester.

The following students received certificates for completion of the Harvard course in Naval Science and Tactics, and will receive their commissions later: Eliot Farley, Jr., Wellesley; Rochester H. Rogers, Jr., Rochester, N. Y.; Henry B. Stone, Providence, R. I.; and Gilbert F. Whittemore, Roslindale.
