

Saltonstall, Swing Also Among 13 Notables Receiving High Awards

Thirteen honorary degrees were conferred by President James B. Conant this morning at the Harvard Commencement exercises in Sever Quadrangle in the College Yard, in the presence of 5,800 special guests, alumni, students, members of the Faculty and members of the graduating classes. The recipients, in the order in which the degrees were presented, and the citations read by President Conant are:

Edward W. Forbes, Director of the Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University, and Paul J. Sachs, Professor of Fine Arts at Harvard University and Associate Director of the Fogg Art Museum.

Doctor of Arts. Citation: "Edward Waldo Forbes and Paul Josph Sachs: The builders of our Museum of Art, a national centre for scholars and curators; together they have labored for twenty-seven years, together we honor them today.

"Edward Waldo Forbes: A devoted son of Harvard whose foresight and generosity will be long remembered.

"Paul Joseph Sachs: Lover of the fine arts who deserted a banker's career to become an accomplished teacher."


Raymond G. Swing, radio commentator.

Master of Arts. Citation: "A penetrating analyst of the volcanic forces which shake our world, his voice is heard throughout the land,-democracy's unflinching advocate."

Jeremlah D.M. Ford, Smith Professor of the French and Spanish Languages at Harvard University.

Doctor of Letters, Citation: "For nearly half a century a brilliant teacher of the Romance Languages in Harvard University: the learned world has long recognized the preeminence of his scholarship."

Adolph Meyer, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University.

Doctor of Science. Citation: "For many years the leader of psychiatrists of the United States; a pioneer in applying the techniques of medicine to the diagnosis and treatment of mental ailments."

Frederick P. Keppel, President of the Carnegie Corporation, New York City.

Doctor of Laws. Citation: "Wise in his understanding of the needs of education and the arts; under his guidance the Carnegie Corporation has shown how private philanthropy may sow a rich harvest for the nation."

Reginald A. Daly, Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology at Harvard University.

Doctor of Science. Citation: "A geologist of rare imagination and wide vision, his enthusiasm has aroused psysicists, chemists and astronomers to cooperate in the advancement of his science."
