

Largest Number of Nioman Fellowships Ever Granted

Awards of 16 Nioman Followships were announced by the University Yesterday. Thirteen states are represented by the newspapermen who will spend a year at Harvard working on projects which have been approved by the Foundation.

This is the fifth group of newspapermen to come to Harvard under the grant of more than a million dollars established by Mrs. Agucs Wahi Nieman, in memory of her husband, Luctus W. Nioman, founder of the Milwankee Journal. The atipends very according to each man's salary, and the plan is designed to promote journalism by giving the reciplents opportunity for unrestricted study of many subjects in the University's curriculum.


The recipients for the year 1942-43 are: Milliard C. Browne, Editorial and Political writer, Sacramento (Cal.) Union; James M. Daniel 3rd, Reporter, Washington Daily News; John F. Day, Jr., Filling Editor, Associated Press, Huntington, West Virginia; Edward J. Donohoe, Reporter, Seraton Times; Robert C. Elliott, Editor, War News, San Francisco News; James P. Etheridge, Jr., Editorial writer, Tampa Daily Times, Tampa, Florida; Thomas H. Griffith, Jr., Assistant City Editor, Seattle Times; Erhest M. Hill, Political writer and state capitol reporter, United Press, Oklahoma City; Frank K. Kelly, Rewrite, city desk, Associated Press, New York; Erwin W. Kieckhefer, Country Editor, Minneapolis Star-Journal; Kenneth F. McCormick, Reporter, Detroit Free Press; Arthur B. Musgrave, Copy Editor, Houston Post; Fred W. Neal, Washington correspondent, Wall Street Journal; Robert Okin, Reporter and rewrite man, Associated Press, New York; Oren M. Stephens, Sunday editor and columnist, Arkansas Deocrat, Little Rock, Arkansas; and William A. Townes, Assistant City Editor, Cleveland Press.
