
War Shortens Commencement; Program Reduced To Three Days


Contracted because of accelerated conditions from a six to a three day period, the Senior Exercises will be held this year from Saturday, June 6 to Monday, June 8, the University announced, as it released complete details on the first Harvard Commencement in 23 years to be held with the nation at war.

For the first time since the last war the Stadium exercises and confetti battle will not be held, and Class ceremonies will be simplified to include only the customary Senior exercises in Kirkland House Triangle. Alumni reunion classes are substituting brief and serious programs for the more extended ceremonies of normal years.

Yale Game Saturday

Following the final baseball game with Yale at Soldiers Field, 3 o'clock, Saturday, June 6, activities of the Senior Class will begin in the Triangle with a buffet supper at 6 o'clock. At 8 o'clock a concert will be given by the Glee Club and the Pierian Sodality, followed by the annual Ivy Oration, a humorous summarization of the four-year history of the Senior Class, to be delivered this year by Coles H. Phinizy. Class features and "stunts" will then follow, and Saturday's meeting will be concluded with the singing of "Fair Harvard." Dancing will be held in Lowell House from 9:30 to 12 o'clock.

On Sunday President James B. Conant will deliver the Baccalaureate Sermon before nearly 800 Seniors of Harvard College and their families and friends, gathered in the Memorial Church in Harvard Yard at 11 o'clock. The Baccalaureate Service will be conducted by Dean Willard L. Sperry, Chairman of the Harvard Board of Preachers.


Seniors March in Yard

For the march to the Memorial Church the Seniors will form a double line in the oldest part of the Yard, in front of Holworthy Hall, at 10:30 o'clock. Led by the Class Marshals, Loren G. MacKinney, First Marshal, Endicott Peabody 2nd, Second Marshal; and Eugene D. Keith, Third Marshal, and other Class Officers, the Seniors will march around the quadrangle of the old Yard, passing the statue of John Harvard in front of University Hall on their way to the service. Following an old custom, the students in the procession will doff their academic caps in front of the statue of the College's first benefactor and namesake. Upon reaching the Church they will be ushered to the front pews, where they will sit as a body. Invited guests will fill the Church to its capacity of 1,200.

In the afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, the Seniors will assemble in the Kirkland House triangle for their literary exercises, including the delivery of an Oration, Poem, and Ode. The Class Orator will be William C. Murphy; the Class Poet, Harry D. Feltenstein, Jr.; and the Class Odist, Robert H. Coleman. Leading the Seniors in song will be the Class Chorister, Richard B. Stedman.

Transfer of Class Colors

Transfer of the Senior Class colors to the Freshman Class will follow delivery of the Poem. MacKinney, as First Marshal of the Seniors, will make the presentation, and representatives of the first-year men will accept the colors on behalf of the Freshman Class. After the reading of the Class Ode the group will join in singing the Ode to the tune of "Fair Harvard."

A tea and reception for the Senior Class and their parents at President Conant's home, on Quincy Street, at 4:30 o'clock, will follow the Triangle exercises. In case of rain, Saturday evening's Triangle concert and the Sunday literary exercises will be held in the gymnasium on Holyoke Street. The Senior Spread, to be held in Lowell House on Monday from 10 o'clock p.m. to 3 o'clock a.m. will conclude the Class program.

Phi Beta Kappa Exercises

The annual literary exercises of the Harvard Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will be held on Monday of Commencement Week, June 8. The exercises, open to the public without charge, will be held in Sanders Theatre at 11 o'clock. President James Phinney Baxter 3rd, of Williams College, will be the Orator; and Christopher LaFarge will be the Poet. A luncheon will be held at 12:30 o'clock in the Fogg Art Museum.

The solemn ritual with which Harvard will surround the award of academic degrees and distinctions on Thursday, June 11, the University's Commencement Day, will begin at 9 o'clock, when the Seniors assemble in the Yard for a procession to the Memorial Church where Dean Willard L. Sperry, Chairman of the Harvard Board of Preachers, will conduct the Senior Class chapel service.

291st Commencement
