
12 Crimson Teams Face Big Weekend

One of the fullest sports afternoons of the year comes up on Saturday when twelve Crimson teams, including six Freshman squads, swing into action. Although not previously scheduled, the 150-pound Yardling crew will race at Princeton, but the Dartmouth track meet, originally set for Saturday, was cancelled.

On the baseball front, the Varsity has a game with Columbia at 3:00 o'clock at Soldiers Field, while the Freshman are away at Andover, playing the prep school boys. The Freshman runners are also at Andover, in their second formal meet of the spring season. Although Bill Bingham tried to get a meet with Army for the Varsity track squad, he was unable to arrange one.

Ruggers Meet L. I. U.

The Rugby team, featuring president Marsh Hollet and several former star athletes such as all-American football player Frank Swirler, and hurdler, Captain Dick Simpson, meets Long Island University. The ruggers, who lost to Princeton, must win their next two games to stay in the running for the championship of the Eastern Rugby League, which they have held for the last three years.

The Varsity '30's row in the Goldthwaite regatta at Princeton, while the Varsity golf team winds up its dual season against the Elis, and the Freshman divet-diggers meet Andover. The Varsity tennis team travels to Hanover while the Yardlings play St. George's. In lacrosse the Varsity plays New Hampshire and the Freshmen Andover.
