
17 Selected For Research

Littauer Gives Fellowships For Studies of Government

Announcing that 17 men, nine of them in government service, have been chosen to receive Littauer and Administrative Fellowships for research in governmental problems, the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration yesterday asserted that plans are being made to accept further applications for the Administration Fellowships. The explanation was given that the war may prevent some of the men who applied from leaving their work.

Littauer Fellowships have been awarded to: Gilbert R. Barnhart, of Washington, D. C., A.B. Syracuse University '38, Administrative Assistant, Office of Budget and Finance, United States Department of Agriculture; Alexander J. Boudreau, of Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, Quebec, B.S.A. Laval University '33, Field Representative of Department of Fisheries, Ottawa; Arthur D. Bouterse, of Richmond, Va., A.B. Asbury College '28, A.M. University of Chicago '36, Supervisor of Research and Statistics, Department of Welfare of Virginia, 1936-1941, at present a student in the School; Victor H. Bringe of Madison, Wisc., B.A. University of Wisconsin '41, Administrator of Residence Halls, University of Wisconsin; Robert K. Buck, of Arlington, Va., B.S. Iowa State College '36, M.S., ibid., '39, Associate Agricultural Assistant, Farm Security Administration, United States Department of Agriculture; Reid M. Denis, of Cambridge, Mass., A.B. George Washington University '38, student in the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; John T. Holden, of Cambridge, Mass., A.B. Wesleyan University '36, M.P.A. Harvard Graduate School of Public Administration '41, at present a student in the School;

John P. Lewis, of Hudson Falls, N. Y., A.B. Union College '41, at present a student in the School; John S. McCauley, of Washington, D.C., A.B. University of Wisconsin '39, M.A. ibid. '40, Junior Economist, Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor; Gordon N. Perry, of Victoria, B.C., A.B. University of British Columbia '33, Director of Bureau of Economics and Statistics, British Columbia; James E. Victory, of Arlington, Va., A.B. University of Washington '37, M.A. Yale '39, Associate Economics Analyst, Farm Credit Administration, United States Department of Agriculture.

Administration Fellowships

Administration Fellowships have been awarded to: Leland S. Albright, Jr., of Toronto, Ontario, B.A. University of Toronto '42; Carl Blackwell, of Washington, D. C. B.A. Oklahoma A. and M. College '41, intern, National Institute of Public Affairs, 1941-1942, assigned to International Economics Unit, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, United States Department of Commerce; James W. Corley, of Marietta, Ga., A.B. Emory University '42;


Filmer M. Paradise, of Shorewood, Wis., B.A. and M.A. University of Wisconsin '42; John A. Ruskowski, of Schenectady, N. Y., A.B. Union College '41, intern, City Manager's Office, Schonectady; Joe L. Zaring, of American Falls, Idaho, B.A. University of Idaho '42.
