

Yearbook Accelerated, To Appear in Late January

Dana Reed '43 of Belmont, a non-resident member of Adams House, has been appointed by the 1942 Senior Album Committee to serve as chairman of the 1943 edition of the year book, it was announced last night.

Selected to assist Reed on the publication were Harold W. Solomon '43, as Vice-Chairman, Myron S. Kaufmann '43 as Literary Editor, Bruce Barton, Jr. '43 as Feature Editor, Eric Larrabee '43 as Art Editor, Jay K. Lazrus '44 as Photographic Chairman, J. Robert Moskin '44 as Sports Editor, and Richard N. Swift '44 as Biographies Editor.

Due to the accelerated program, the 1943 issue will appear in late January instead of June, and individual pictures of men in the class who will graduate in June and September are now being taken.

No Business Positions Yet

Positions of Business Manager and Circulation Manager have not as yet been filled, but a competition for these posts will probably get under way this summer. Competitions similar to those run by other College publications will determine the editors of the '44 year book, Reed revealed.


Although the '43 Album will be approximately the same size as this year's, which is scheduled to appear June 9, it will be more inclusive, since House year books have been tentatively abolished, and the Freshman Red Book has also come under the Album aegis.

Reed Succeeds Newman

Reed, Executive Editor of the CRIMSON, succeeds Harry Newman, Jr. '42. On the executive board, the posts of Vice-Chairman, Sports Editor, and Biographies Editor have been newly created.

Almost every College publication, past and present, is represented on the new board. Barton is president of the Advocate, Larrabee is secretary of the Lampoon, as well as Class Odist, and Solomon wrote for the now-extinct Progressive. Kaufmann is assistant editorial chairman of the CRIMSON, Moskin is managing editor-elect, and Lazrus is a member of the photographic board. Swift served as literary editor of the 1944 Red Book.
