Just as John W. Ballantine '42 was stepping into a full-tanked automobile; we shouted from the opposite street corner, "Hey Bal! How about this Post War Council?" He mumbled something about rushing off to a wedding at Concord and how important it was for the post-war world that people get married right now. We agreed, somewhat enviously, and went on to ask some routine questions. His foot was on the gas and his gear in first the whole time, but we managed to get a general idea, as general ideas go.
There was just one more question we had on our mind. We didn't know quite how to put it. But time was getting short and, being good Americans, we blurted it right as blunt as could be: "When is your magazine going to be published?" we shouted, looking him straight in the eye. "Oh," he replied, "we're waiting for a major victory," and with that he zoomed up the street in a cloud of carbon monoxide.
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. . . and Still Bleeding