Thirty-nine high school seniors have been chosen from more than 800 candidates in the Middle West, South, Far West and Massachusetts for College National Scholarships, the highest awards to entering Freshmen. The scholarships carry maximum stipends of $1,000 the first year and $1,200 each year thereafter.
The scholarship winners are:
CALIFORNIA: James D. Burke, 16, of Corona del Mar; Webb School of California, Claremont; Rufus B. Clark, Jr., 18, of Los Angeles; Los Angeles High School; Peter M. Lewis, 17, of Redlands; Webb School, Claremont. Lawrence S. Timpson, Jr., 17, of Piedmont; Piedmont High School; Don Tocher, 16, of Carmel High School; Truman O. Woodruff, 17, of Oakland; Oakland High School.
ILLINOIS: John W. Bowden, 17, of Villa Park; York Community High School, Elmhurst; Arthur N. Curry, 16, of Harvard School for Boys, Chicago; John W. Hoermann, 18, of Oak Park; Oak Park High School; Robert T. Keine, 17, of West Aurora High School; Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., 17, of Urbana; University High School, Urbana.
INDIANA: Harlan C. Meal, 17, of Waldron; Waldron High School.
IOWA: Walter B. Parsons, 18, of Eagle Grove; Public Schools, Eagle Grove.
KANSAS: William J. Barber, 17, of Abilene; Alliene Senior High School.
LOUISIANA: Robert V. M. Cordell, 17, of Bosco; Ouachita Parish High School, Munroe.
MASSACHUSETTS: Lincoln D. Clark, 19, of Andover; Phillips Academy, Andover; Horace C. Davis, 15, of Newton Highlands; Newton High School, Newtonville; Richard L. Kaye, 17, of Newton; Newton High School, Newtonville; Edward J. Leonard, 16, of Jamaica Plain; Public Latin School, Boston; Melvin Maddocks, 18, of Needham; Roxbury Latin School, West Roxbury; Lawrence G. Raisz, 16, of Cambridge; Browne and Nichols School, Cambridge; John L. Shurtleff, 17, of Canton; Groton School, Groton.
MINNESOTA: John E. Pearson, 17, of Willmar; Willmar Junior-Senior Saint Louis; Saint Louis Country Day High School; John T. Take, Jr., 17, of School; Warren J. Kratky, 18, of Saint Louis; Cleveland High School, Saint Louis; Wesley S. Melahn, 19, of Vandalia; Vandalia High School.
OHIO: Richard A. Chenoweth, 17, of Akron; Middlesex School, Concord, Mass.; Robert T. Edmunds, 17, of Toledo; DeVilbiss High School, Toledo; David L. Giele, 17, of Dayton Fairmont High School, Dayton; Glenn S. Goodwin, 17, of Euclid; Euclid Central High School; Robert E. L. Rochelle, 17, of Cleveland Heights; Heights High School, Cleveland Heights; Donald T. Trautman, 18, of Cleveland; Western Reserve Academy, Hudson.
WASHINGTON: William W. Dunn, 17, of Seattle; Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, Mass; John E. Sonneland, 18, of Bellingham; Bellingham High School; Ronald J. Yandell, 17, of Seattle; Broadway High School Seattle.
WISCONSIN: Harlan P. Hanson, 17, of Madison; West High School, Madison; Arthur W. Hornig, 18, of Milwaukee; Milwaukee Country Day School.
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