

From the University of Washington undergraduate newspaper:

"During a recent trip to Boston, I visited Harvard University an informally interviewed several "students" of that institution. . . . Harvard students don't have that intense interest in dancing which may be seen here. No doubt their studies confine them somewhat. . .

"The Harvard student keeps up his self-respect by dressing well. Neckties must be worn in class, and the bow-tie is typically Harvard.' Cords are not allowed. Suits are always worn at dinner. While we, at Washington, are tremendously proud of our athletes with their big 'W' sweaters, Harvard students don't wear their letters where they can be seen. . . .

"The three upper classes live on 'The Gold Coast.' 'The Gold Coast' is a street where houses were built in the 190's to provide comfortable homes for the young gentlemen of means. . . .

"The Harvard student, according to himself, supplies male talent for Eastern debbies. . . .

"They call themselves just 'genial hackers,' but don't confuse it with our Western meaning. Not that!"
