
Dan H. Fenn, Jr. Named Crimson President; J. Robert Moskin chosen Managing Editor

The Crimson takes pleasure in announcing the election of the following officers to next year's executive board: Dan H. Fenn, Jr. '44, of Leverett House and Cambridge, as President; J. Robert Moskin '44, of Lowell House and New York City, as Managing Editor; Edwin J. Sommer '44, of Eliot House and Crawfordsville, Indiana, as Business Manager; Thomas S. Kuhn '44, of Lowell House and New York City, as Editorial Chairman; Douglas A. Brown '44, of Eliot House and Malden, as Executive Editor; William H. Forster '44, of Lowell House and Philadelphia, as Photographic Chairman; Lewis M. Krohn '44, of Kirkland House and Utica, New York, as Advertising Manager; and Burton E. Van Vort '44, of Winthrop House and New York City, as Sports Editor.

Named to positions not on the executive board were Joseph B. Smith '44, of Lowell House and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Charles W. Young '44, of Cambridge, as Assistant Editorial Chairmen; and Edward J. Casey '44, of Allston, as Local Advertising Manager.

Because of the accelerated program, the new officers will replace the present executives in September instead of February.
