
Terry's Girls Won't Inspire Crew for Regatta This Year

Terry and the Pirates, or rather Terry's numerous luxurious comic strip mates, are not going to lend their support to members of the Varsity crew squad this year, and because of this, local river sages have predicted a slight rise in the Yale stock.

Milton Caniff, the strip's creator, has in year's past been accustomed to send to the crew at Red Top an enlarged, unexpurgated, water-color version of one of his current heroines. Pinned on the wall of the central hall at the New London training quarters are such sultry females as the Dragon Lady, Hu Shee, Burma, Normandie, and April Kane.

The abbreviated race at Derby precludes the crew's training at Red Top, and since Red Top is the only place for such creations, negotiations for an addition to the collection have not been undertaken this year.
