
Brooks House Elects Richardson Secretary

John L. Richardson '43, of Milton and Winthrop House has been elected undergraduate secretary of Phillips Brooks House, it was announced last night by J. Eldon Sawhill '43, president of PBH.

The secretary is chosen every spring by the Cabinet of Brooks House, and is always a member of the Student Council. Richardson, who succeeds Charles S. Bridge '42, was chairman of the Council's Elections Committee which handled the election for class officers in February. He was appointed to the Council after missing election by a scant nine votes.

Sawhill also announced that PBH intends to carry on a full program during the summer. Every committee, the Undergraduate Faculty, the settlement house work, and the guide service will continue as usual, and each will be headed by its chairman or an assistant.

Brooks House itself will remain open during the summer, serving as a gathering place for various social functions and teas.
