
Eliot Eight Defeats Yale College Champ

Wulsin Strokes Elephants To Victory Over Trumbull

Racing under rough conditions in New Haven Harbor Saturday afternoon, the Eliot House crew encountered little difficulty in maintaining Harvard's crew superiority over the Elis. Captain John Carpenter's oarsmen turned in a six-length victory over Trumbull College, the Yale College champions, over the nautical mile.

Stroked by Gene Wulsin, the Merrimen jumped the Bulls at the very start, and, choosing their own pace, fought their way down the harbor, finishing in 7:07, which experts say is very good time for the nautical mile, which never seems to be raced anywhere outside of New Haven Harbor.

The Elephants used their own oars, but were boated in a shell provided by the Yale A. A. Rough water forced the postponement of the race until after six o'clock, when it finally calmed down enough to allow the crews to take the water.
