(Ed. Note: This is the first in a series of four articles to appear in the "Crimson" as part of a national campaign to emphasize qualifications needed for specific ratings in the Navy.)
DUTIES: After Navy Training and Extended Service
Do all kinds of canvas work, and all kinds, of hoisting with block and tackle. Know the rules of the road, distress, and other urgent signals. Be familiar with all light and buoyage signals. He able to handle either power or sail boats and know how to make landings through surf. Understand the compass and how to lay out a course. Be able to make all necessary knots and splices with either rope or wire. Be able to overhaul and handle anchor chain and know the regulations for such overhaul and for mooring ships. Be able to steer a ship and to know the effects of rudder and currents on steering. Understand salvage operations and the basic principles of damage control.
EDUCATION: Desired as a Preliminary to Enlistment and Navy Training
Complete arithmetic, application of the principles of the right triangle, elements of physics as applied to Pulleys, Force and Motion, Pressure of liquids, and Magnetism. Physical geography in reference to weather and tides, Elements of Trigonometry, Algebra, Plane Geometry.
RELATED CIVIL JOBS: Rigger Foreman, Sailor, Hoist Operator
DUTIES: After Navy Training and Extended Service
Take charge of a gun and a gun's crew, assemble and disassemble guns of large and small calibre; know all of the tools used in gunnery; know the standard markings for ammunition. How to hoist and handle ammunition, and all safety precautions involved in gunnery. Recognize all types of Navy Protechnics, and be able to make tests of smokeless power. Understand the principles of fire control, the principles of electricity involved, and how to handle Naval mines, depth charges, torpedoes, and to adjust recoil, counter--recoil, gas ejectors and firing mechanisms.
EDUCATION: Desired as a Preliminary to Enlistment and Navy Training Complete arithmetic, application of the principles of the triangle, elements of physics as applied to pulleys, hydraulics, force and motion, acceleration, elements of electricity, optics chemistry as applied generally to combustion spontaneous combustion and pyrotechnics; hand tool and lathe work. Algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry.
RELATED CIVIL JOBS: Gunsmith, Mechanic
DUTIES: After Navy Training and Extended Service
Take charge of a gun turret and a turret crew, assemble and disassemble guns of large and small calibre; know all of the tools used in gunnery; know the standard, markings for ammunition. Understand the details and operation of directorscopes, periscopes and range finders. How to hoist and handle ammunition and all safety precautions involved in gunnery. Recognize all types of Naval pyrotechnics, and be able to make tests of smokeless powder. Understand the principles of fire control, the principles of electricity involved, and how to handle and adjust recoll, counter-recoll, gas ejectors, and firing mechanisms.
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