
New Records Expected To Be Set in Heptagonal Meet, As College Track Stars Gather Here

Dartmouth, Yale Favored; Indians Send Token Team

Hopes are high for new records and sparkling performances galore when the cream of the Eastern League crop meets in the Stadium tomorrow for the annual Heptagonal games. Although it was feared that accelerated schedules would upset the apple-cart, all seven of the Ivy league squads will appear, but Dartmouth will send only what call a "token" team.

Seven Indians Available

Exactly what the D. A. A. officials mean by the phrase is not clear, because they could send seven men down, token or no token, who could take 30 points with little trouble. Led by Sid Bull, second place winner in the IC4A two-mile run last winter, Bob Williams Don Burham, Uptegrove, and many more, all champions, bid fair to dominate the running events.

But Yale will be out to dispute their sovereignty, and since by comparative scores, and on the basis of their dual meets, the Elis have a stronger team, the competition will be keen. LeRoy Schwartzkopf, great miler, leads Will Castle, Will Clark, Dick Detwiler, Sherwood Finley.

The other teams competing, are Cornell, Pennsylvania, Columbia, and Princeton.
